Sunday, June 5, 2011

4 Pennies!!!

How often do you notice a penny lying on the sidewalk, or next to your car after you park - and you can't be bothered to pick it up?   My 3 year old has yet to grasp the miniscule value of a penny, so if he happens to find one, it's as though he's found a priceless treasure!  "Money, Mommy..." he'll exclaim gleefully, "I've got moneeeeeyy!"

What is the value of a penny?  I want to tell you some incredible news... next time you see a penny, or the next time your child picks up a penny off of the ground, you can think to yourself - "Just 3 more pennies, and I will be able to offer a serving of milk to a slum child in India!"  In case you are wondering if you heard me correctly, yes, it takes just 2 rupees or 4 cents to provide a serving of buffalo milk to one of the children who attends our slum schools.

Why milk? It is well known, especially in North America that milk is good for kids, helping them to build strong teeth and bones.  However, in India, milk is a luxury that most children will never have the opportunity to enjoy.  Each of our slum schools have a limited budget, and every dollar is frugally accounted for to offer the essential services such as medical aid, education and simple meals.  "Cartons 4 Kids" is a project to give these children something special that says "You are precious.  You are worth it!" (and, as most caring mothers might say:  "Drink your milk; it's good for you!")

Thank you for your support in the "Cartons 4 Kids" milk campaign!